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Strategies for the spiritual battle.

Updated: Feb 25

by Paul & Joyce Ruddell.

In Ephesians, God tells us our battle is against spiritual forces. Praying—staying connected with God—is one key to our victory. Threatened when we pray, the devil tries to discourage us. The Prayer Committee wants to help our members guard against this discouragement as we nurture a culture of prayer throughout our communities. Here are some ways to remain strong, so we can keep fighting the good fight together: 


Busy-ness is a major tactic of Satan. He distracts us from God’s priorities or tires us out doing unnecessary things. Guard against burnout with the 4th Commandment: one day each week, fully trust God to take care of everything. Get away from the world’s rush and pressure, slowing down to hear His voice. Soak in His presence. Regularly let God refresh you by taking time to play and do things that refill you. Even the quality of your work is better when you take time to rest with Him. 


We each are responsible only for what is inside our own hula hoops. We also do not have authority over someone else’s life. Knowing God is in each of our circles with us helps us manage how we feel. Ask the Holy Spirit how to express our emotions the way God wants us to.  


When our circles overlap—as in marriage and ministry—Ask The Lord (ATL) how to communicate and compromise. Acknowledge everything belongs to God. All we have—our time, money, ministries, even our ideas—belong to the Lord. So, we must let go of control and listen for His perspective above all. 


Regardless of our roles and experience, what we do is for God, so His will comes first. He works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). If we surrender to God’s will, He will lead us each in the same direction for the greatest good, so we can trust and work with Him and one another in unity! 

With much love,

Paul & Joyce Ruddell


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